Bitcoin’s price is now above $40.000, which continues to move upwards with the “adoption”, at least in theory, of sustainable and greener practices in the mining process.
The world’s largest cryptocurrency earlier rose up 7.6% to $40,500, while the Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto index rose 12%, with Ether following the rise. It is noted that the index had one of its worst returns last week, with a drop of 30% in May.
It is recalled that the New Bitcoin Mining Council, after clarifying that it does not intend to make changes to the software used, aims to adopt more sustainable and “green” practices in order for mining to gain an environmental sign.
The board, led by Tesla CEO Elon Musk and MicroStrategy CEO Michael Saylor, will otherwise respect the nature of Bitcoin, without encouraging a distinction between so-called “clean” and “dirty” currencies, said Argo Blockchain CEO Peter Wall.